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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

With finals right around the corner, it is easy to get swept up in the stress of work, trying to make time for friends, and finishing up your clubs and activities. Instead of letting the stress eat you alive, take some time for you by practicing a few easy yoga techniques. Although I am a newbie to yoga myself, I have already felt the amazing benefits of setting aside a few minutes each day just for me. Here are a few poses that you can easily do in your dorm room when you have a spare minute!

Childs Pose

If you are feeling overwhelmed with stress and feel that tension creeping into your body, this is the pose for you. It is incredibly relaxing and will help to calm your mind. Child’s pose also helps relieve that pesky neck and back pain you start to feel after hours hunched over your computer in the library.

Downward Dog

This is an incredibly basic yoga pose that has so many benefits. Downward dog increases circulation, boosts energy, and stretches your hamstrings and calves. An added bonus, when done regularly, downward dog can also help tone your arms!

High Plank

High Plank looks simple, but after only a few minutes your arms, abs, and legs will be burning. This move is a good option because it engages your entire body and is a great way to squeeze a toning session into your day.

Bridge Pose

This pose looks exactly the way it sounds. Bridge Pose stretches your backs and hips while toning your butt and legs. This move, like others, makes you more aware of your body and improves circulation.

Warrior I

Warrior I not only strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, and back, but it also improves focus and balance. While holding this pose you will find yourself focusing on breathing and staying in the moment.

Warrior II

This is by far one of my favorite yoga moves. You cannot help but feel empowered and strong while in Warrior II. This move helps to stretch and strengthen your legs, ankles and hips as well as improve circulation. When you need a little extra strength to push through finals, try Warrior II for a few moments.


This pose is typically done at the end of a yoga session, because it is the ultimate resting pose. In this pose you lie done and focus on releasing every muscle in your body, from your head down to your toes. This pose also allows time to clear your mind, giving you the opportunity to feel a release not only physically but also mentally.

The most important thing to remember while practicing any or all of these yoga techniques is your breath. Focusing on breathing in through the nose and deeply out through your nose. This makes you focus on the moment, and helps to relieve stress.

Yoga has incredible health benefits that can make a positive impact in your stressful days over these next few weeks. Even if you are a little skeptical about these poses, give them a try you, may surprise yourself!

* If you are in need of some extra yoga inspiration, check out the Her Campus Bucknell Founder Cameron Simcik’s instagram account @camleighyoga! Her poses will blow you away! *