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Campus Profile: Sam Kelly

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

1. Tell us about yourself.

I’m a senior majoring in Psychology (neuropsychology) and minoring in Studio Art. I am a member of Alpha Delta Pi, a designer for Et Cetera Magazine, and work as the Externship Intern at the Career Development Center!

2. ​Tell us about your past role as an intern for the CDC. 

As the Externship Intern, I sent out a lot of emails to the sophomores and juniors about participating in externships or volunteering to speak about their experiences (sorry about bombarding your inboxes). I also arranged the first-year Externship Information session this spring, which introduced first-year students to the program. Another aspect of my duties included serving as CDC Librarian and created an inventory of all the CDC books, so please be sure to return the books when they are due or you can expect more emails from me. Lastly, I helped the marketing team design thank you notes, posters, and postcards about CDC Events!

3. What are some of the most valuable professional lessons you’ve learned through your internship?

This year was my first year working at the CDC, and it is crazy to think about how much I have learned. Just looking at the resume and cover letter I submitted last spring to get the position makes me squirm. Though I definitely learned a lot about the job and internship search process, I also learned about how important it is to be able to clearly communicate your experiences. When working with students on resumes and cover letters, it was interesting to hear them talk about what they valued in their experiences compared to what they had written about their duties. Ask someone to describe what they think you did at an internship after reading your resume and see if what they say accurately depicts what you did!

4. In your opinion, what are some of the most useful resources available at the CDC for underclassmen? Upperclassmen?

The Bridge is a great resource to find handouts, job listings, and the calendar of events hosted by the CDC. However, there are other great resources that don’t get as much use. Especially for underclassmen who have not declared a major yet, I would advise looking at the Alumni Career Paths. It is a great resource to see what Bucknell alumni have studied and what they are doing now. Not all paths lead to positions are what you would expect based on the major! For upperclassmen, I would recommend utilizing the Bucknell University LinkedIn page and Alumni App. These resources are great places to start connecting with alumni. It is easy to narrow down results based on interest, location, or major, which ensures that you connect with people who are most relevant to your career search

5. What are some resources recent graduates can use through the CDC?

As a current senior, I know that we’ve received emails about Bucknell Career Connect. This is an alumni version of the Bridge, and almost acts as a Bucknell specific LinkedIn. Though I’ve only poked around on the site a little bit, it looks as though there are constant updates about job listings and career related events! Also, many students may think that the CDC closes over the summer, but all of the counselors are still available for appointments in-person, over the phone, or on Skype! Though we will soon be alumni, they continue to offer assistance as we venture outside the Bucknell bubble!

Fun facts:

Freez or Sweet Frog?

Freez. SweetFrog isn’t as Instagrammable. 

Favorite spot on campus: The Art Barn 

Campus posse: My fellow CDC Peers, the Diamond Gang, and The Saints of St. Catharine.