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10 Ways to stay sick free this flu season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.


With flu season in our midst, here are some easy ways to keep from coughing and sneezing for the rest of the semester!

  1. Wash hands often–Lather up those manicured fingers for at least 20 seconds to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others! Make sure to really scrub; just running your hands under the water with a dab of soap is not going to do the trick.
  2. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth–Viruses spread from touching something that is contaminated, so do not touch your face! Doing so will simply get you sicker faster because germs and bacteria will easily work their way into your immune system. I know it can be difficult when you want to touch up your make-up but try to refrain.
  3. Be a germaphobe–It is okay to carry around a bottle of hand sanitizer! When you cannot get up to wash your hands in the middle of class, pull out a Purell bottle. These are perfect for on the go sanitizing all day long.
  4. Get a flu shot–It’s not too late to remain healthy this flu season! Head down to the CVS on Market Street. They offer flu shots all day long. Even if you got the flu shot last year, get it again because new flu vaccines are released every year to keep up with rapidly adapting flu viruses.
  5. Load up on Vitamin C–It is no secret that OJ contains this necessary vitamin to keep you from getting sick. Vitamin C stimulates the production of the cells that combat bacterial and viral infections. So be sure to eat foods high in vitamin C including oranges, broccoli, strawberries and red bell peppers.
  6. Soak Up Some Rays–Although orange juice is great, it doesn’t provide you with all the vitamins that you need. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, getting a bit of sunshine can help improve your immune system. Although it is chilly outside, try to soak in some afternoon rays while walking between classes.
  7. Relax…–Stress is an immune system suppressant so try to keep it in check. Take a deep breath. Try writing up a list of all the things you need to get done. When you cross things off your list, you will feel more accomplished and less stressed out!
  8. Exercise–Studies show that regular exercise can help reduce your likelihood of catching a cold. Take a study break and head over to KLARC; your immune system will be thankful you did!
  9. Be Anti-Social–Although it is fun to hang out with friends, when they are coughing or sneezing, it is a good idea to steer clear. And if the person next to you in class cannot stop coughing, think about moving a few seats away.
  10. Catch More Zs–Sleep helps your body function at its optimal level. Make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep per day during cold and flu season.
Sarah Dubow graduated from school in 2013 and is a Digital Strategist at Marina Maher Communications in New York City. After serving as Campus Correspondent at Bucknell University, she is so excited to continue being a part of the Her Campus team! Besides traversing the city and trying to figure out what being a "real person" really means, Sarah loves long walks on the beach, sipping pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain (kidding!). Real favorites include traveling, writing, kickboxing, and making up ridiculous lyrics to the latest songs. She absolutely loves anything that involves cupcakes, butterflies, glitter, and anything Parisian and specializes in baking with far too much chocolate and obsessively watching shows bound to be cancelled after the first season. Though the long term path for this post-grad collegiette remains unclear, she's looking forward to all the new 20-something adventures that await her!