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Why You Should Practice Yoga

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


If you’re like me, then for the longest time you probably thought that yoga is just an extra long stretch class. After a friend raved about how yoga helps her run faster and longer, I decided that I wanted to give yoga a second chance. I am so grateful that I did because, this time around, I found that there are so many more benefits to yoga than just flexibility!

First, yoga erases any pain! I run a lot, and sometimes my lower back and knees just can’t take it. With yoga, I started feeling a lot stronger in those areas. Also, doing yoga after an intense toning, cardio, or strength training workout can reduce soreness.

Yoga helps you sleep better! Because it relaxes your mind and teaches you how to breathe, yoga can help you fall asleep much faster. I once took a morning yoga class and found myself falling asleep in class…probably relaxed a bit too much.

Yoga gives you confidence! Because yoga asks you to listen to your body and do what it wants to do, you become amazed with what your body can actually do. Therefore, you start loving your body not for how it looks, but for how it feels. And that, ladies, is much more powerful than what you tell yourself when looking in a mirror.

Yoga is not only stretching; it’s also strength training! Do you know how many planks you hold in a yoga class? Or how many lunges? Have you ever tried to do a downward dog split? These moves provide more toning and strengthening than dumbbells can provide! It’s amazing how strong your body can get through yoga that it can’t get through cardio and strength training!

Yoga actually makes you happy. Ever noticed that people who practice yoga are just so happy all the time? It’s because relaxing your mind and body can raise the levels of certain brain chemicals that are inversely correlated to depression. English, please? We’re not talking about endorphins making you happy, but your brain is literally telling itself to be happy! All because you decided to start practicing yoga!

I hope these fun facts about yoga encourage you try yoga sometime soon. Honestly, it has changed my workout regimen for the better. I can’t go one day without it now that I’ve incorporated it into my life. Yoga has so many benefits that help you mentally and physically be a healthier person! Try it out and see for yourself!





Jomarie "Jo" Polanco is a sophomore at Boston University studying Nutritional Sciences in Sargent College. She loves everything about health and nutrition and sees herself helping to stop the obesity epidemic in her future. To read more from Jo, you can follow her personal health and nutrition blog at www.breathelivefit.blogspot.com!
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.