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Why It Is Impossible For A Feminist To Support Donald Trump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

In recent times, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has become notorious for his large persona, and even larger mouth. It seems that the man has made so many outrageous statements that Americans have grown numb to his comments, and therefore the things Trump says often go uncriticized. This is a dangerous slope for the country to start on, and it’s about time we all opened our eyes to the truth about Trump. Donald Trump is sexist. His feeling of superiority over women is woven into the very fiber of his being. Trump has always been crude, unkind, and vulgar towards all females he comes into contact with. The roots of his negative views on women can be traced back as far as 1992, when Trump commented in a feature article with New York magazine, he said “You have to treat ‘em like shit.”


He has undoubtedly put this philosophy into practice throughout his lifetime, even bragging in that same feature about dumping a bottle of wine down a female reporter’s back because she wrote an unfavorable article about him. Despite this brutish and childish reaction, Donald Trump still claimed in an Esquire interview that the media’s view of him is not important, “as long as [he’s] got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” This is the only thing women are useful for in the world of Donald Trump. Looks. And when a woman does not possess a face deemed worthy of Trump’s standards, suddenly that woman is useless. Trump attacked fellow Republican candidate Carly Fiorina by stating, “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” Can you imagine that? This man as our next President?

 The man who is anti-abortion and therefore anti-choice, and the man who is so childish and nasty as to insult Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly by claiming she had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her… wherever.” This incident took place after Megyn asked Trump to comment on the instances where he has called women “dogs,” “fat pigs” and “disgusting animals”. Trump would later continue his temper tantrum by calling Megyn a “bimbo”. Say what you will about Hillary Clinton, the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, but at least she has never viciously and publicly attacked a woman simply for being a woman. There is no justifiable way a person could call themselves a feminist and also vote for Donald Trump, the two are mutually exclusive. They cannot both occur. Trump is a masochist and a sexist, and women and men alike should fear the day that this man comes any closer to a seat in the Oval Office. The fact that Trump even has a fighting chance at winning the presidency says a very bad thing about the direction our country is going in. We need to steer this thing back on track. We need a president who respects equality. We do not need to weaken the feminist movement by electing a sexist villain into office. The choice is ours. It is in our best interest to choose wisely, not to choose Trump.


Julia Novello is a Film and Television major at Boston University, with a minor in Political Science. Her interests include writing, pop culture, binge watching Friends, politics, travelling, and everything to do with Tom Brady. She is a native of Boston, MA.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.