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What Your Favorite Cereal Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Everyone has his or her favorite cereal, even Harry Styles.  Whether you eat it for breakfast, as a snack, or even for a late night binge, cereal is so universal that it should honestly be its own food group.  If you’re anywhere close to as obsessed with cereal as I am, you’d understand that your favorite one definitely says a lot about your personality.  Since we all have our go to cereal of choice, here’s what 8 different brands actually say about you!

Cap’n Crunch

If you’re a Crunch enthusiast, it probably means that you like to take charge.  This is a go to cereal for the confident girl who likes to lead the way in all endeavors.

Fruit Loops

This cereal is definitely for the go-with-the-flow type.  You may not have it all together all the time, but you’re positive attitude in life is what makes you thrive.


Not only are you an overall happy person, but you also care about living and eating healthy.  Those who choose Cheerios like to stick to the basics and are genuine and sweet, especially those who like Honey Nut!

Cocoa Puffs

You’re a little crazy (in a good way).  You love to have a fun time and enjoy yourself and are always down to take a little risk.  Since you’re always channeling your inner child, it is no surprise that your favorite part about this cereal is getting to drink the chocolate milk after! 

Lucky Charms

Definitely your favorite cereal if you’re superstitious.  You make a wish when the clock says 11:11 and never tell anyone what it is, you’ll only pick up a penny if it’s on heads, and you knock on wood way too much to avoid jinxing yourself. 

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

If you like cinnamon toast crunch, you’re sweet and spicy.  You are super nice to everyone around but people know not to take advantage of you. 

Frosted Flakes

Frosted Flake lovers are strong and dependable.  They are people you can genuinely rely on for advice or just a grrrreat time (pun intended).

Rice Krispies

Loud and energetic are usually how your friends would describe you if you love Rice Krispies.  Your personality pops in any situation and you add a little pep to everyone’s day!


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.