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Ways to Improve Mood and Productivity With Home Décor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Your home—be it a dorm room or a luxurious apartment– is a precious space. Be it so, its furniture and décor are just as important. It not only improves the aesthetic beauty but also the functionality and power of optimizing your well-being. Who knew simply moving a couch or changing a light bulb has the power to increase positivity and productivity? Lucky enough for us, architects and scientists have been looking for ways to create a space that’s both positive and productive. Here’s what they’ve found:

1. Buy round furniture. 

A study by the University of California found that rounded décor encouraged more brain activity geared towards contentment than that of boxy, sharper décor. Sharp objects come off as dangerous, which make people feel more negative towards the object. Whereas, curves are more welcoming. Try opting for angular sofas and rounded cushions for a more positive atmosphere.

2. Opt for lighter colors. 

Lighter colors produce a feeling of openness and serenity, much like a clear blue sky, whereas darker colors give off a heavier feeling that makes one feel more enclosed. Make sure to not overpower your home with too many dark colors, but also vice versa. Too much white can become associated with sterility (think of medical settings). Additionally, different colors stimulate different emotions within people. Warmer colors are energizing and are said to increase appetite, while colder colors relax the mind and decrease appetite.

3. Eliminate clutter. 

You know what they say, less is more. A famous German-American architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, understood this phenomenon and remains today a prodigy and well-known pioneer of modernist architecture. Removing clutter is very important for the brain (and for guests not to think you’re a complete and utter mess). Decluttering also prompts better focus. Evidence suggests that when multiple visual stimuli are competing for your attention, you have a harder time focusing on only one of them.

4. Start planting!

Plants look beautiful, freshen up the air, and they reduce stress! The biophilia hypothesis suggests humans have an innate tendency to affiliate with nature and other forms of life. Exposure to plants and natural daylight are important for our physical and mental well-being. Even just looking at pictures of scenes of nature has been shown to lift people’s spirits and make them feel more relaxed. The biophilic design has been used by many architects and designers who have come to realize the attraction of such landscapes. According to NASA, some of the most effective air purifying houseplants (that are also quite easy to take off) include the peace lily, snake plant, spider plant, and aloe vera.

5. Open the windows!

Opening your windows rids your home of pollutants that have collected inside from all the chemicals we use. The air inside your home is much more toxic than the air outdoors (creating an unhealthy environment). So, opt to open the windows as much as you possibly can to get some fresh air in and the bad air out!

6. Dim your bedroom. 

Circadian rhythms and mood can be affected when nocturnal functions are interrupted by bright light. Promote better sleep by choosing lights that can either dim or aren’t as harsh. Another tip is to move televisions and computers to the living room instead. You’re bound to feel more refreshed and positive the next morning. Plus, moving these electronic devices away will reduce the radiation they emit and thus, reduce fatigue, dizziness and mental fog.

In the words of Mies van der Rohe, “We should attempt to bring nature, houses, and human beings together in a higher unity.” Using these tips can help you and your guests do just so and hence feel much more at ease. The smallest changes in color, layout, and space can easily improve positive feelings and levels of productivity.


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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.