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photo of corn field
photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Unofficial Ranking of the Best Thanksgiving Foods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Some people say it’s their favorite holiday, while others see it as a detour to Christmas. No matter how you feel about Thanksgiving, everyone can agree it means eating… a lot.  With turkey crafts everywhere and placemats with fall foliage, Thanksgiving has a feeling you can’t get from any other holiday. So put on some stretchy pants and take a look at the (unofficial) ranking of the five best Thanksgiving foods. 

5. Corn bread 

The Native Americans taught the settlers all about their favorite cro— corn. It’s no wonder we take the golden kernels and make them into warm, fluffy cornbread. Whether you top yours with honey or cranberry sauce, cornbread is a Thanksgiving must.  

4. Mashed Potatoes 

Mashed potatoes are great all year round. Smooth, chunky, with skin or without, mashed potatoes make everything better. There’s no better day of the year to carbo-load, so don’t be shy about scooping a mountain onto your plate. Add gravy, if that’s your thing. 

3. Turkey 

Normally considered the “star” of Thanksgiving, you can’t have a countdown without the turkey! Deep-fried, in the oven, white meat, dark meat, Thanksgiving would barely be a holiday without the festive fowl. Carve it up and add it to your already overflowing plate of holiday goodies.  

2. Stuffing 

Sometimes you just need an excuse to eat stuffing. It doesn’t have to be homemade, out of the box is just fine. Additions, such as sausage, cranberries, or squash, can be added for a special touch. And the best part, that leftover stuffing (if there is any!) will taste just as good on November 27th.  

1. Mac and Cheese 

Whether you like the home-style classic topped with breadcrumbs, an ooey gooey five-cheese sauce, or simply out of a blue box, mac and cheese is always a good idea. Some people don’t put mac and cheese on their Thanksgiving table, and that’s a shame! Start a new tradition or indulge in the old one, because mac and cheese is quite possibly the best dish on the planet. 

No matter which Thanksgiving food you think is the best, enjoy your holiday! Eat so much that you need a three-hour nap on the couch with the football game blaring in the background, and get the countdown going for Winter Break!  


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.