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Start Organized, Stay Organized

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Welcome back Lady Terriers! With move-in complete and syllabus week all finished up, the semester is underway. If you’re like me, you’ve started to get worksheets, deadlines, instructions, readings and exam dates. And, if you’re like me, you’re getting all of these things, and getting stressed out. It’s only week number two here on campus, so don’t get too overwhelmed yet! Take these organization tips and you’ll be getting your semester off to a great and stress-free start.


Get a Good Agenda or Planner

A planner or agenda is crucial to remembering dates, deadlines, and assignments. Buy one that’s small enough to be able to fit in your bag everyday. Try to pick one in a fun color or pattern so you’ll be sure to remember it and find it easily in a book-packed bag. When you get an assignment or future date to remember, write it down ASAP. This way you’ll never forget when that midterm is and when that research paper is due. Sometimes it’s even helpful to go through all of your syllabi at one time and write down all the exam dates, papers due, etc.


Get a Calendar for Your Room

Whether it’s a regular one or one that’s dry-erasable, a calendar in your room is just like a planner in your bag. The one in your room can keep track of school activities too, or can just be one for club meetings, practice and dinner dates.


Have Folders or Binders For Each Class

Bring a binder or a folder that’s specific for each class. Only put items in it that’s for the class and keep it organized. The first item in each of the folders should be the class syllabus and any other important handouts from the first few days. Throughout the semester the folder or binder can keep notes, important documents, and things to remember.  You’ll never have one of those, ‘where is that one piece of paper with that important thingy on it?!’ moments ever again.


Color-Code Your Supplies

This may seem a little over the top, but I find that color-coding my supplies makes life a whole lot easier. Assign a color for each of your classes and buy a notebook, folder, and/or binder for each class, in its color. That way when you’re running late and rushing out of your room you can just remember that all your Spanish stuff is yellow: grab it all at once and throw it in your bag.


Keep Your Study-Space Clean

Whether your work gets done at your desk, your couch, your bed or your kitchen table, keep it clean and organized. Keep important papers and notes in places where you can find them and remember them. Throw away outdated, crinkled papers and old assignments. When your space is clean you can get work done easier and can find things faster! 

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.