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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Last semester, I decided to shake up my workout routine—of runs and occasional spin classes—for some Vinyasa Flow. I walked into my first class blind to the practice, only aware of the most basic tree pose and downward dog. It was a challenge, but it inspired me to pursue my own yoga journey.

In the spirit of 2018, I have decided to set several resolutions that I hope to accomplish through yoga (other than expanding my workout wardrobe)!

1.  Finding peace of mind

It is so easy to get caught up in the daily stresses that consume our lives; thus, why it is essential to clear your mind. Whether on or off the mat, it is important to unwind and give yourself some much-needed TLC.  

2.  Patience

Sometimes, as an avid perfectionist, patience is not in my vocabulary. Like yoga, life is an ongoing practice. Progress comes with time and not perfecting things the first time around is ok!

3.  Endurance

Build a sense of resilience. Whether it be holding a difficult yoga pose or dealing with a stressful life situation, it is all possible! We are all much stronger than we believe and it is so important to build upon that.

4.  Persistence

Yoga is a discipline that requires practice. I am not yet able to do a headstand, but I can build strength and work towards it. No matter how frustrating it can get, trial and error is the key to success. Be persistent and don’t give up, no matter how challenging something seems!

5.  Mindfulness

Be aware of the mind, body, and soul connection! Experience the now and learn to accept what is out of your control. Channel mindfulness on and off the mat to eliminate stress; set a goal for something that you hope to accomplish today. 

My yoga journey has taught me so much about myself already. I challenge you all to unroll your mat and unwind your mind. May these yogi-inspired resolutions help you conquer 2018!


Cover photo credit: Pinterest

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Christina Constantine is a Boston University senior studying journalism. She is a New York City native that loves all things fashion, health, and lifestyle related.    
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.