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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Millennial Call to Action

The deep divide in the United States exposed by the results of 2016 election is glaringly obvious. What is not so obvious is how or who is going to take the lead to fix it. To all my fellow Millennials, now is the time for us to step up for our country and lead by example. Ours is the biggest generation in the United States since the Baby Boomers. With the power of numbers and a unified purpose, we can be the change we want to see in this world.

We cannot change the past; what’s done is done. However, we DO hold the power to turn our country back around. We hold the power of social media. Let’s use it and our numbers to our advantage. Tweet, Instagram, Facebook your congressmen, your senators, or anyone who will listen. The same will of the people that triggered this election’s results can trigger more change. Make your voices heard with continued, determined, resilient calls for action.

Ours is also the generation with an ability to see beyond race, beyond gender, beyond sexual orientation, beyond class, beyond political party affiliation –  into the minds and hearts of people. Let’s use it and our numbers to our advantage. The ability to accept others without judgment is the true gift of our generation. Spread that message of inclusiveness and unity with continued, determined, resilient calls for change.

America is and always has been a melting pot full of the best and the brightest of what the world has to offer. Our generation is no different. Let’s use the words of our best and brightest to our advantage. When faced with bigotry, sexism, or any micro-aggression in our personal lives, we owe it to our country to demand better from our friends, our family members, or our co-workers who engage in hateful speech or actions. Only with a unified respect for others can America continue thrive and grow for generations to come.

Millennials, we hold the power to shape this country in a new American image. For some of us this will one day include the power to raise our own children and influence the next generation. Mixing the traditional American values of hard work and appreciation of family with new American standards of respect and acceptance will progress this country forward to even greater heights of glory.

Millennials – it starts with us. We cannot change the past, but the future is what we make of it. Pull up your bootstraps, we have work to do.



Elena is a junior at Boston University studying Film and Television and Journalism.  She likes her shows created by HBO or Shonda Rhimes and possesses an undying love for the New England Patriots.     
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.