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Keeping Healthy Skin in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


When college life gets busy, taking care of your skin might seem like a drag. However, taking care of your skin will not only keep your skin looking beautiful and clear now; it is also an investment in the future health of your skin. Here are a few tips on how to keep up with your skin care routine throughout college:



Incorporate skin care into your existing routines

Skin care becomes much less of a process when you combine it with your existing routines. It might seem hard to find time to exfoliate 3-4 times a week; however, if you keep a facial scrub handy in your shower caddy, exfoliating can become just another part of your shower routine.

Use the same idea if you want to apply a masque. Just put it on for the desired time before your shower and then wash it off once you get in. Dealing with more heavy-duty skin care while in the shower is not only convenient, but it’s also less messy.

Also, keep any skin care products that

you use in the morning along with your makeup supplies so that you remember to apply them before. For those mornings when you really have no time, keep cleansing wipes handy (Like Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes) to substitute for your cleanser, rather than skipping washing your face altogether.



Choose your skin care products carefully

Try to find the products where you can the most benefits possible for your skin with the least effort. For example, buy a daily moisturizer that contains extra nutrients. When you don’t have time to put extra effort into your skin care, products like these can make a huge difference.

Also, try investing in face makeup that doubles as a skin product. There are many foundations, tinted moisturizers, and BB creams that have a lot of nutritional and moisturizing properties. So if you’re going to apply face makeup anyway, why not use one that benefits your skin?

Invest in a go-to spot treatment to apply before bed. Look for one that contains benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid to combat your smaller breakouts, or try spot treatment (like Maria Badescu Drying Lotion or Tea Tree Oil). All of these are simple to use and can be applied as needed.


Healthier lifestyle = healthier skin

It’s easy to forget how much stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, and poor eating habits can affect your skin. All of these are extremely common among college students and are often the culprit behind breakouts and dull complexion. Making a conscious effort to live a healthier lifestyle might not seem so quick and easy at first, but taking this holistic approach means spending much less time dealing with skin problems. Not to mention, the boost in overall health these changes will bring is more than just an added bonus.