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The Importance of Self-Care in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

The Importance of Self-Care in College by Melanie Kirsh

            College is an exciting time to discover your true passions, whether they are based in research, leadership, or community service. But, all of that could become exhausting. In extreme cases, students get so caught up in doing everything that they lose sight of their own wellbeing—myself included. That’s why self-care is so important: sometimes you need to dedicate an hour or two of your daily jam-packed schedules to simply be you. You in total silence, complete serenity, or just free of other responsibilities. Check out my tips below to start your journey to effective self-care that rejuvenates and energizes you!

            + If you already set up times for meetings and classes in your calendar, why not set aside an hour for self-care? Save ME TIME in your calendar — and you can’t call off the meeting!

            + Meditation is always a great way to refresh your mind before (or after) a busy day. Apps are available to get you on the right track to mindfulness. This article lays out the best ones on the app market. Youtube also has a great selection of soothing playlists and guided meditations.

            + Be electronic-free when you eat your meals. This way, you are able to focus on the delicious food rather than the dreadful emails you need to go through. Mealtime can (and should) count for me time!

            + While human interaction could be transformative, sometimes we need space even in our own living spaces. If you live with roommates, request a moment to yourself.

            + Participate in activities (solo) that are energizing! Go for a run on the Esplanade, window shop on Newbury Street, or sign up for a PDP that strikes your fancy.

            However you choose to incorporate self-care, be sure to check in with yourself at all times. I find many times in lecture, I need to take a break from being in “student mode”. Even on the weekends, I take frequent breaks from assignments and homework to care for my own being. Self-care comes in many forms, so remember to integrate it in a way that will benefit you best. In the words of Tom and Donna from Parks and Recreation, “Treat yo self!”


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