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How iPhones Are Taking Over Our Lives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Our world revolves around technology and we are addicted to our iPhones. We use our phones the second we wake up until we go to sleep. We communicate with people more through our phones than in person. You take a walk outside and see everyone with their white earbuds on or with their eyes glued to their screens. I love iPhones and all Apple products and I’ll happily let them take over the rest of my life, but it’s still important to acknowledge the power they have over us.

1. They take over our lives… and our wallets.

Photo Credit: CBS News

Nowadays, an iPhone release is basically a holiday. Most people upgrading to the newest iPhone version already has a perfectly functioning iPhone, but the appeal to have the newest version is far too strong to resist. The price tag of the newest phone doesn’t even matter anymore; Apple could continue to raise their prices to ridiculous amounts and we would still continue to purchase them; the allure for the newest phone won’t be tamed by a ridiculous price tag.

2. They’re even worse for younger generations.

Photo Credit: Hot Air

Today’s college students weren’t exposed to technology at such a young age, but today’s younger children are essentially born with an iPhone in their hands. Being exposed to technology that early leads to addiction. Since they have so much entertainment on a screen, they don’t have the appeal to go outside or use any other entertainment that doesn’t involve a screen.

3. People communicate more through their iPhones than in person.

Photo Credit: Express.co.uk

I’m sure we’ve all been in this situation: you’re hanging out with a group of people and the majority of people are using their phones instead of actually communicating with the people in front of them. It’s frustrating and just one of the many ways iPhones take over our lives.

4. Our eyes are glued to our iPhones 24/7.

Photo Credit: Clean Cut Media

We get into bed after a long day, grab our phones to set our alarm to wake us up the next morning, but just can’t help but to check our emails, social media, or text messages/calls. This seemingly quick routine can take as much of an hour away from our precious sleep, but our phones are so addicting that we just let it. When your eyes are begging you to stop, you finally decide to put it away for the night and go to sleep. The next morning, the alarm on your phone rings, and after hitting snooze a few times, you repeat your morning ritual of once again checking your emails, social media, and text messages/calls.

5. How could we possibly not wear our earphones?

Photo Credit: Jo24

As soon as you’re ready to head out the door, you can’t forget your phone and earphones, because why would anyone willingly decide to walk outside without their earphones in? You continue walking and notice everyone else is doing the exact same thing; everyone else is plugged into their phones and have their eyes glued to their screens as well. While technology does have an overarching hold over us, it’s important to control it. Practice some self-care and take a break from technology whenever you can. Stop letting your iPhones take over your life and stop living your life behind a screen. Whether it be through taking a walk, reading a novel, etc., it’s important to take a technology detox every once in a while.

While technology does have an overarching hold over us, it’s important to control it. Practice some self-care and take a break from technology whenever you can. Whether it be through taking a walk, reading a novel, etc., it’s important to take a technology detox every once in a while.


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Clarissa is a senior majoring in Journalism at Boston University's College of Communication. Besides writing, Clarissa loves Srabble, astrology, and satire. ?
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.