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How to Deal with the Worst Awkward Situations on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


We’ve all been there—or, at least, I have. On a college campus as big as Boston University’s, moments of awkwardness are common phenomena. When life presents you with this kind of sticky situation, remember that almost everyone has been there. Keep your cool, laugh it off, and always have your phone on you in case you feel the need to make yourself look busy. Here are seven awkward situations you’ve probably found yourself a part of in the past and my best advice for how to handle them:


1. You yelled “Hey!” in passing to someone wearing headphones.

This has happened to me on Commonwealth on several occasions. If it’s really someone you know well or want to say hello to, tap them on the shoulder. Otherwise, realize that they probably won’t hear you if they’re preoccupied with their favorite playlist.

2. You made untimely eye contact with a stranger. 

For people-watchers like myself, this is an occupational hazard. If someone catches your eye in a crowded coffee shop, just prepare to look at your shoes for an extended period of time. Oh, and if they’re eating a banana—it’s probably best to look the other way. 

3. You didn’t know how long you should hold the door open for someone.

This is a problem I never expected having so often in college, but with so many students entering and exiting so many buildings, it makes sense. Use your best judgment. Avoid shutting the door in someone’s face, but don’t wait around for more than 10 seconds or so for someone headed in the same direction.

4. You almost got hit by a car.

Not only have you just seen your life flash before your eyes, but now you have to deal with the fact that the people around you don’t think you can cross the street on your own. Always be cautious and attentive on the crosswalk, and never go just because you see one or two other people beginning to cross. Like they told you in second grade, look both ways!

5. You sent a text to the wrong person.

This has happened to me once or twice before, but never with a really personal text. As you can imagine, the consequences could be absolutely disastrous for certain texts. Be careful, particularly those with content you would rather keep private. 

6. You weren’t the only person taking the elevator.

With elevators in every building on campus, this is pretty much unavoidable. If it’s someone you know, even if you only recognize them from class, say hi. Have your phone on you, act as you normally do, and remember you’ll be out of there in less than a minute. 

7. You experienced a major wardrobe malfunction. 

This can be embarrassing, especially if you’re around someone you’re trying to impress. Whether your blouse falls down a little too low or your skirt rides up a little too high, stay calm and fix the problem as soon as you can. Be careful with clothing on the more revealing side, and keep in mind that a safety pin might save you some heartache. 

Rachel is a freshman in the College of Communications at Boston University. Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, she is still adopting to the cold winters and Bostonian way of life. She also writes for BU's independent student newspaper The Daily Free Press. In her free time she enjoys Netflix, vanilla lattes, and a semi-eventful social life.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.