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Dormroom DIY Facemasks for Acne-Fighting Fun!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


College isn’t easy. It’s exhilarating and liberating and all that great stuff, but it’s just no walk in the park (or the Commons). The workload can be overwhelming. And that’s not to mention midterms and finals, which always seem to sneak up on you. Or maybe you knew about the test, but last night’s social seemed more important than that extra hour at Pardee or Mugar memorizing the material (maybe Stuvi2 Lounge if you’re a West Campus woman). It happens.

The result? Stress. Then comes that familiar foe we know all too well: the break-out. I’m here to tell you that stress break-outs don’t have to win in the war for picture perfect complexion! 

Do-It-Yourself acne-fighting face masks can be just what your rom-com-with-the-girls Friday night needs. So grab the bowl,  but leave the ramen out of it. Instead, throw together one of the following mixes to make your Friday night-in work for your skin! (They also make for some great snapchats!)

1. The “Honey Banana-Boo” 


1/2 banana

2 tbsp honey

1 tbsp water


Bananas are rich in anti-oxidants, helping to subdue oily skin and revitalize dry spots: two major causes of break outs. Honey contributes with natural exfoliating abilities. Grab that banana from the dining hall. Pull out that honey you keep stashed for dorm room tea time. Then, mix it up! Leave on for 20 minutes, then wash and moisturize.

2. The “Skinnamon”


1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp honey


Keeping honey around has already proven to be a good tip. Here’s another tip: add cinnamon. Cinnamon’s antimicrobial abilities help to dry out existing pimples as well as avoid future breakouts. Leave on for the standard 20 minutes, then wash and moisture.

3. The “Lemon-Aid”


1 tbsp lemon juice (or squeezed 1/2 lemon)

1 tbsp honey


Honey strikes again! This time pair it with lemon juice, which attacks blackheads, pimples, and those pesky scars left from the last break out. It does so with alpha and beta hydroxy acids (but I find that you don’t need to know what those are exactly, just what they do!) Leave for 15-30 minutes, depending on skin sensitivity, then wash & moisture!

Get mixing and once you do, share with friends! The fight against acne has never been so fun!

