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Dining Hall Talks: Surrounded by Workout Fanatics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Dining hall talks. You know what I’m talking about. You’re sitting at the dining hall, eating that gross meal, and talking about anything and everything with your really good friend. Most of these conversations happen and then just disappear the next day, never to be mentioned again. Well, I had a conversation with my friend last week at Bay State Dining Hall and it has stuck with me to this day. Bianca and I talked about what it’s like to be surrounded by workout fanatics and health freaks. I thought I was alone with my feelings of laziness and sadness in regards to this, but I guess it’s true that you’re never really alone.

Yes, we acknowledge that the Freshman 15 is a real thing. It’s not that the Freshman 15 isn’t a real concern for us, but the truth is that we are busy, we are tired, and most importantly, we are out of shape. We don’t exercise like most people. FitRec, who?

Our conversation at Bay State mostly focused on what it’s like to be surrounded by workout fanatics and health freaks here at BU. We all have that friend who always eats from the salad bar. We all have that friend who is always going for a run. Don’t get me wrong; I am super proud of my friends for having this motivation and drive to be healthy. I, on the other hand, am still looking for the motivation to get my ass off my bed and away from my Amazon Prime account.

Back in September, I went for a run with my roommate. For someone who doesn’t workout or regularly run, IT WAS HELL. I’m embarrassed saying this, but I honestly thought I was going to pass out. Despite the pain, it honestly felt good to workout, though, so Bianca and I agreed to try working out together. Having someone else to motivate you to get moving is a great way to start at the healthy lifestyle. I would say the best idea Bianca and I came up with is to take it slow and build up to our goal. You don’t start running marathons in a day.

It is important to workout and eat healthy, especially with the Freshman 15 looming over you. The key is to start out slowly, motivate others, and set specific goals. I’m excited and nervous for how this works out for me.  I’ll let you know how it goes!


Cover Photo Courtesy of Active.com.


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Lauren is a Health Science major on the Pre-Med track at Boston University. She loves anything science and loves writing in her free time. 
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.