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Put Your Phone Down and Grow Your Own Virtual Forest!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

Forest is an app helping you put down your phone and focus on what’s more important in your life. Whenever you want to focus on your work, plant a tree. In the next 30 mins, it will grow when you are working. The tree will be killed if you leave this app.

Need motivation to put your phone down? Then Forest is the app for you! Plant a tree, and when you don’t touch your phone for 30 minutes, your tree will have grown, and you can keep doing this throughout the day and grow your own forest.

The app is available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Chrome, and Firefox.

Download Forest here.

Audrey Lin

Bryn Mawr

Computer Science and Linguistics double major at Bryn Mawr College. Lover of bubble tea and anything matcha.