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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Why Everyone Should Be a Feminist

            Over the past few years, the word feminist has been taking a lot of heat. Words like feminazi and man-hater have equated feminists to disgruntled women whose sole purpose is to blame men for everything. As a result, many women, and especially men, have shied away from associating themselves with being a feminist.

            Here’s the real definition of feminism: “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities” (Merriam-Webster). The most important part of that definition is the word equal. Feminism is the constant advocacy for women to be equal to men, whether it be socially, economically, or politically.

            In the world we live in today, women are not equal to men, no matter what many people who oppose feminism may say. Whether it be catcalls on the street, the wage gap for the same jobs, the lack of women in the political field, or the outrageous number of sexual assaults that happen to women every day, it is evident that in this country, women are not treated equally to men. So if that’s true, what’s stopping you from owning the word feminist?

            If you’re a woman, many of the right’s that you have in this country were fought for by feminists, whether it be for the vote or to birth control. If we ever want to reach that goal of universal equality, we all should take up the responsibility of being feminists. While oppositions will always exist, ask yourself, isn’t gaining equality worth the fight? Do you believe you can do anything you put your mind to? Don’t let society’s limitations stop you from doing whatever you want because of the equality gap, be a feminist.

            If you’re a man, ask yourself – do you believe in equality? How many women do you know who are extremely accomplished at what they do, whether it be running a company or raising a family? Just because feminism is traditionally seen as something for women, doesn’t mean only women can exclusively be feminists. It’s just as important for men to be feminists as women, because everyone should be involved in the fight for universal equality.

            So, no matter who you are, how old you are, what gender you are – everyone should be a feminist. Equality should be universal and unquestionable goal, and feminism is one important step towards that goal.