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Ways to Rock a Football Jersey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

1.       Accessories: A jersey can be fancy by putting on a couple cute bracelets that have the same colors as your jersey. Anywhere from 3-5 look super cute. Paired with a cute necklace works, too! If you are a Patriots fan like many of us, you could go with a silver necklace and blue and red bracelets.

2.       Shoes: Shoes do matter! When rocking a football outfit these are essential! Every team has multiple colors and you should pick the color that is least represented on the jersey. For example, with a Patriots jersey, red shoes can be worn. Flats or cute red heels work.   

3.       Pants: Cute black leggings match any jersey. Cute colored pants match well, too.  Red works well with the Patriots, blue with the Giants, and green for the Jets. Shorts also work well with the front of the shirt tucked in the front.

4.       Hair: hair can be worn down which is super cute and easy.  Feeling adventorous? Attach a colored ribbon to your hair and do a quick and easy braid.