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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.
Friends is an iconic television show and it will always have a special place in our hearts. No other show combines our favorite fall holiday and comedy so perfectly. We all have a family member that is a great cook like Monica, or have a realtive that will say nonsensical things like Joey. The Thanksgiving episodes of Friends will always be pretty relatable. 
Finally being reunited with your family and high school friends 
When your mom asks if you can help her with dinner 

One of your relatives will always do something to make the whole family laugh

It’s already an hour past the time you are supposed to eat and you’re starving
Your sister exposes all of your secrets at the dinner table 
You’re forced to try your aunt’s dessert that does not look good 
After eating all day you are ready to sleep
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Kim Flynn

Bryant '19

Fan of puppies and Starbucks. Avid koozie collector. You can usually find me with my shoe untied.