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Study Tips For The Rest Of The Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.
Great news collegiettes, we’re almost done with the semester! HC knows it’s hard to find motivation when it comes to school work, but we’ve got to keep pushing through finals. Here are a few tips to keep you going:
1. Make goals each week- Make a weekly checklist of assignments and projects you need to have completed. It’s a great way to keep you organized and on top of things, so you don’t push them off!
2. Create designated times to do homework- There never seems to be enough time in the day, but creating scheduled times to do homework can help! Spend one or two hours in a quiet area to bang out work each day, and you’ll be surprised by how much you can get done.
3. Study with friends or peers- Studying with people in your classes is very beneficial because they can help you understand the work in ways the professor cannot. Peers can help explain homework in “easier” ways and it might help make things click faster.
4. Visit your professors- Most professors are willing to help you prepare for an upcoming exam. Visit them in their office to show them that you are studying for the exam in advance, and it will impress them! They might even give you hints or tricks for the test.
5. Schedule breaks and get rest- No one can study and sit for hours straight. So reward yourself by watching Netflix or taking a nap once you’ve completed an assignment. Try not to stay up all night doing homework because sleep is so important—it actually helps us retain more information by getting an adequate amount of rest. 
Relax, collegiettes! Before you know it, it will be winter break!
Marissa is a sophomore at Bryant University majoring in management and minoring in psychology. She is the Social Media chair at HC, which she absolutely loves! Her favorite past times are baking (esp. chocolate covered pretzels) and exercising. Marissa hopes to work for a large corporation when she graduates in May 2016.