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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


With finals and the holiday season coming up, we could all use some advice on how to de-stress. So if you’re stressing about finals or feeling anxious about all that comes along with the holidays, here are some tips for how to relax and chill out.


Activities that help you relax

·        Take a Bath

·        Go for a walk

·        Go outside

·        Read a book or magazine you like

·        Do your nails or go to get them done

·        Stretch

·        Spend time with friends

·        Clean your room

·        Exercise

·        Do yoga

·        Deep Breaths

·        Listen to relaxing, feel good music

·        Ask for a hug!


Smells that help us relax

·        Lavender: Calming, overcomes nervous tension, depression and chaotic energy

·        Eucalyptus: Increases brainwave activity and counters mental fatigue, promotes clarity of mind and increases energy

·        Peppermint: effective at nerve relaxation, it relieves pain, promotes healthy digestion and increases energy

·        Citrus: invigorating, calming, and reassuring. Also helps with depression 

Candles, room spray, or lotions in these scents are your savior


Tea that helps you de-stress

·        Chamomile Tea

·        Green Tea

·        Black Tea


Food that helps you chill out

·        Oatmeal

·        Oranges

·        Walnuts

·        Berries

·        Dark Chocolate

·        Cottage Cheese

·        Avocados

·        Asparagus

·        Milk