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The Single Woman’s Sassy Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

            In light of the upcoming holiday, and in honor of all the wonderful Bryant single ladies, we wanted to share an amazing book: The Single Women’s Sassy Survival Guide: Letting Go and Moving On, by Mandy Hale. Not only is it an amazing guide to letting go of that Mr. Big you can’t seem to accept will never change, but it is filled with uplifting quotes to feed the Single Sassy Woman that lives within us all (and is not nearly as cheesy as I just sounded).

            Everyone can always use a little inspiration to remind themselves they are too great to SETTLE, which is exactly what the book did.

            Mandy Hale presents her personal experience through the book in a series of suggestions on: the WHAT, WHY, WHEN and HOW of letting go. To help all of you who don’t have the time to read the amazing book, I will share a spark note version of all sections– so we can all move forward in letting go! Below are my favorite quotes and notes from each section of the book.

The What:

  • The top five things we find ourselves struggling to let go of in life are: jobs, friendships, opportunities, grievances and relationships.
  • Basically, if it’s not honoring you-it doesn’t deserve a seat at your table.
  • Someone who doesn’t want to lose you yet doesn’t make any effort to keep you.
  • Someone who is stingy with his heart and his time but extremely generous with excuses.
  • Someone who you’ve given chance after chance after chance to get right or get left, yet you’re still there.
  • If it doesn’t feel right for you, it’s not right for you.

The Why:

  • Do you really want to spend another second waiting around for him to realize how incredible you are?
  • You have to let go of what is NOT meant for you in order to receive what IS.
  • You must let go of your EX to receive your NEXT! You can’t embrace the future while clinging to the past!
  • Every person, job or opportunity you let go of that isn’t meant to be a part of your life’s journey is another clue…pointing you toward the ones that are meant just for you.
  • When someone leaves, it’s because someone else is about to arrive.
  • It is in the letting go that we become who we are meant to be.

The When:

  • When a man wants to be with you, truly wants to be with you – he’ll be with you. SIMPLE AS THAT. There won’t be excuses, angst, drama, explanations, apologies, other women, shadiness, uncertainty, ifs, ands or buts about it… HE WILL BE WITH YOU.
  • When something or someone is no longer bringing you up, but pulling you down – it’s time to let go.
  • When someone or something is no longer adding to your life, but subtracting from it – it’s time to let go.
  • When someone shows no interest in being with you, is consistently inconsistent, and their actions don’t match up with their words – it’s time to let go.
  • If you are dating him because you think you can change him. If you are dating him because you’re afraid to be alone – it’s time to let go.

The How:

  • You take a deep breath, you say the words you never imagined yourself saying, and you walk away.
  • We have to love not just the other people involved, but also love OURSELVES, enough to let go.
  • PHYSICALLY release something – take an inflated balloon and write all the things you are letting go. Head outside and LET GO.



  • A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run. Sit still and ignore him and he’ll come purring at your feet.
  • Don’t PLAY hard to get, BE hard to get.
  • Practice the art of the occasional “No” instead of the permanent “Yes.”
  • Love yourself enough to pursue your own dreams and your own passions in such a way that you will never be mistaken for a girl without a life and a mind of her own.
  • No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends – Sex & the City


So there you have it, Mandy Hale’s amazing take on how to bring out the sassy single diva in all of us, and let go of anything that is not adding to our lives. Whether it’s a friend, ex, hook-up, boss, family member, or even a general feeling towards something… you can let it go. In doing so, you make more space for the things that are meant to be in your life. I have learned I don’t want to waste another minute of my time on people who don’t do things for me in return. I stopped texting the boys who couldn’t do it on their own. I stopped seeking out the friends who never do the same. I stopped trying to excel in everything, when the majority of it went unnoticed. Moving on, and letting go, can be a great addition to your life, and hopefully after this article you will be more apt to try it yourself!

Follow The Single Women on Twitter: @TheSingleWoman

Mandy Hale’s book “The Single Girl’s Sassy Survival Guide: Letting Go and Moving On” can be bought for your kindle here: http://www.kobobooks.com/ebook/Title/book-yPUWJ4KmAESC8CGWg92R-A/page1.html?utm_source=productlistings&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=title-The+Single+Woman%E2%80%99s+Sassy+Survival+Guide%2c+Letting+Go+and+Moving+On&gclid=CPmI1J_4pLUCFQ-f4AodJCIA3A

Hillary Coombs is a junior at Bryant University studying International Business and Marketing minoring in Chinese and Spanish. She works during the summers at Westminster Tool blogging and updating all social media accounts as well as interning in the International Affairs office. During the fall of 2012, Hillary studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain where she held a marketing internship and perfected her Spanish language. At Bryant, she works in the Office of Planning and Institutional Research gathering crucial university data and presenting it through documents to the President, Deans, and other faculty members of Bryant University. Aside from working and studying Hillary is a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and Omicorn Delta Kappa. Hillary finds peace of mind staying active and running in local 5K races.