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Finals Survival Snacking Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Finals week is filled with stress, stress, and more stress, but the best way to alleviate most of it is a delicious, super unhealthy, processed snack. Finals week is the perfect excuse to snack on all those treats.  Whether using a little snack as motivation for studying each chapter, or page, or just to take a break, some gooey chocolate or a pint of ice cream is a finals week essential.  Below we listed some mouth watering snacks you should definitely indulge in while studying!

Smart Pop Popcorn is a quick guilt free snack!

M&Ms of any flavor satisfy any sweet tooth, put one down on each page or paragraph of your text book as motivation to keep reading

Pretzel chips are a new way to enjoy pretzels.  They are great because you can dip them in anything you want, like hummus or Nutella

Want to enjoy warm chocolate cake in your dorm room?  Look no further than the microwave aisle at the store.  Warm Delights are easy to make, just put it in the microwave for a few seconds and you end up with warm, gooey chocolate cake that is almost as good as the real thing

We saved the best for last.  The best way to cure any type of stress in your life is to get some help from our favorite men: Ben and Jerry.  Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is a must during finals week!