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All You Need to Know About Male Birth Control

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Beginning in the 1950’s, conversations began regarding the idea of male birth control. After a few tests and trials with the new form of contraception, production was halted due to the adverse side effects… side effects women have dealt with for decades.

The side effects that kept the contraceptive from hitting the shelves included “mood changes, depression, pain at the injection site, and increased libido.”

Right, because female contraceptives are just lovely to deal with — not. If you don’t already know, here are the common symptoms from various forms of female birth control such as birth control pills, NuvaRing, and IUD’s.

Headaches, nausea, menstrual cramps, yeast infections, breast tenderness, acne, mood swings, weight gain, nausea and vomiting, painful menstruation, abdominal pain, acne, and decreased libido.

It is important to recognize that each of these forms is not only FDA-approved, but also currently on the market and in the bodies of women everywhere. For women, the risks do not outweigh the benefits. Women are expected to deal with a lower standard of living because of how they are viewed by our patriarchal society. According to Julie Beck from theatlantic.com, “though men have an equal responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies, they don’t share equally in the consequences, and never have.”

This isn’t looking as though change is not going to happen overnight however there is potential for change in the future. It is acknowledged that the burden of birth control has been predominately the responsibility of women, but with increased research, someday this may not be the case. Male birth control has been a very popular rumor but it is to be a reality very soon.

Male birth control is to be available in the form of a simple gel. A study reveals that Vasalgel is to be injected and could be effective for multiple years. It even has the potential to be reversible, more so than vasectomies. Without getting too explicit, it works by creating a barrier for sperm, which are then able to be absorbed back into the body.

A similar product is currently in use in India, where it has been tested for nearly two decades. According to BBC News, this product- a gel-treatment called Reversible Inhibition of Sperm under Guidance- has shown effectiveness for approximately ten years among 200 Indian men.

Elaine Lissner is the founder and the head director of the foundation funding the research for Vasalgel, the Parsemus Foundation. Her main goal was to create a “contraceptive that doesn’t suck.”

Our prayers have been answered! No one should have to deal with the physical and emotional side effects that result from female contraceptives, and with this big step forward, soon no one will have to. 

Ana Deacon

Bryant '18

*Insert lyrics to "All Star" by Smash Mouth* Bryant University Class of 2019