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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

That week is finally here. Yes, the week during which you basically run on 3 hours of sleep and Ramen noodles. Yes, the time when you actually question if this whole college thing is for you. But don’t start freaking out like you haven’t been through this before. You can do it! Just breath and don’t forget to eat or sleep, and you will be just fine. Trust me, I know how you feel, but we will get through this together. These 5 tips will help you stay calm and get through finals week in a breeze.

Get a head start:

Finals week is fast-approaching, kind of like New Years Day. One second, you are writing down your Christmas list, the next you are counting down the hours until the new year arrives. Finals week sneaks up on you as soon as Thanksgiving is over, even before then, and there is no real way to stop it. However, you can prepare for it by scheduling your studies earlier. If you plan out all of the days and times when you will be studying for and taking your finals a month ahead, it will give you more time to prepare for each class and it won’t hit you in the face when you find out that your final is the next day at 7:30 am. This way, when Sunday comes around, you aren’t just opening that book under your desk that has been collecting dust all semester. Take action by making a plan, organizing your notes, and starting your studies early.

Find a study partner:

Everything is better when you have a buddy to help you! Link up with someone who has the same class that you are studying for and hold a study session. Sometimes it helps to have someone there to help you understand and explain concepts you struggle with understanding. Having a study partner or even a study group can help you feel more comfortable when finals week comes around, but make sure your partner or study group is actually help you and not distracting you. If you find yourself still not understanding or regretting being with that group or partner by the end of the night, then they might not be the right choice.

No social media (or Netflix):

Social media and Netflix are like endless rabbit holes. You say to yourself, “it won’t hurt just to look at this,” or “just one more episode of Grey’s”. Then you look at the clock and your “just one last look” turns into the whole night being wasted. You have scrolled down through all of your ex-boyfriend’s photos. You have seen almost all of the first season of Grey’s. That’s why it’s best to just silent your phone to avoid social media and log out of your Netflix account. Every minute during finals week is precious, so don’t get lost in a rabbit hole. Your grades will be very upset with you if you waste time.

Take a break:

Finals week can get kind of crazy and it is easy to get lost in studying. It is okay to take time for yourself. It’s okay to step away for an hour or two. Take a nap, talk to your parents or a friend, or go exercise. I would not suggest pulling up Instagram or Netflix because, like I said, it is easy to get lost. But if you do something that just clears your mind for a little while, it will allow you to charge up and get back to studying.

Get proper rest:

As college students, it is very rare for us to get 8 hours of sleep. During finals week, we are lucky to get two. It is best if you try really, really hard to get proper rest. If that means starting to study a little earlier, okay, but do not run on two hours of sleep during finals week. Your body needs to rest and your mind needs to process all of the information that you just studied. The only way it can do that is if you sleep. Now, I am not saying “bedtime at 8:00 sharp,” but be reasonable. If you have a final at 7:30 am, 5:00 am should not be the time you are just getting in bed. Rest is extremely important! Give your body some TLC and go to sleep! 

My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!