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Time Management Over Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Thanksgiving break is just days away! This much-needed time off is finally within view!

No doubt you are looking forward to some precious rest and relaxation, not to mention stuffing your face with turkey, pie, and cranberry sauce.  Ahhh yes, you can see it now…but wait, what’s that nagging feeling?  Oh right, it’s the fact that there are only eight more days of classes and there are final papers to write, group projects that need preparing, and yes finals that need to be studied for.  And there go your plans for R&R.

Before you become totally overwhelmed, take a breath. 

Think of all the past Brandeisians who have faced this dilemma and lived to tell the tale.  Heck, you did it last year! You can do it again!  Try a few of these tips to help maximize your time over the break. 

Work While You Travel

If you have a long commute, take advantage and use the time to get ahead on your workload.  Long plane or train rides are the perfect times to catch up on readings or work on essays.  If you don’t get motion sickness, you could break out flashcards and review notes on a long car or bus ride. 

Create a Schedule

A work schedule is a must whenever things get busy.  But remember to take frequent breaks so you don’t burn yourself out.  My personal favorite way of scheduling my time is through baking.  Whip up a yummy treat and while they’re in the oven plan to finish a page of your essay or study a section of your notes.  Take a break to take them out of the oven, and while they’re cooling plan to do a little more work. 

Reward Yourself

There’s nothing worse than having work to do while on break.  Try creating incentives by rewarding yourself after you’ve reached a study goal.  Eat that treat you baked or promise yourself not to go out until you’ve completed one of your work goals. 

Take Some Time Off

Remember this is a break.  By this point in the semester you’re probably feeling burned out and unmotivated.  Taking time for you will help you feel rested and ready to go back to work when school starts again.  Go out to see a movie, go holiday shopping, or have a spa day

Good luck! 

I am a double major in Anthropology and International/Global Studies with a minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation at Brandeis University. As a native Southern Californian, I have a born passion for avocados and an innate dread of cold weather. In my free time I love cooking (with avocados of course), drawing and writing. 
I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like.