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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Many people that know me know that I spent 7 years (from 6th grade-12th) in an all-girls school. Now before you jump to all sorts of conclusions about all-girls schools and the girls that go to them, let me just say this: my all-girls education was one of the best, most meaningful experiences I have had, and here’s why:

It taught me what confidence really is.

Empowering girls to be strong, independent, and fearless was practically our school’s second motto. We were constantly reminded to pursue whatever we were interested in, and to attack each challenge head-on. It was encouraged to pursue leadership roles in clubs and other school activities, and it was the norm to freely speak your mind in every class discussion possible.  Thank you for helping me to be confident enough to pursue new opportunities and challenges in college. I wouldn’t do half the things I do today if it wasn’t for this belief in my own abilities that you instilled in me. 

It showed me what a student-teacher/professor/advisor relationship can be.

Even my Brandeis friends are familiar with the great relationships with teachers I had at my all-girls school, because I still talk about them. This is how much of an impact they have made on my life. Thank you to my all-girls education for providing me with Conference Period (the middle and high school version of office hours) so I could learn the importance and value of seeking extra help when needed. Thank you for creating a community where students and teachers know not just about each other’s roles in the classroom, but also about their interests, families, pets, and more.  Finally, thank you for showing me what an advisor and a mentor truly is. In my educational experiences, I had never met a teacher that made me feel so supported and truly cared about until my all-girls educational experience. While I can’t bring those specific relationships with me everywhere I go, I still feel the effects of their support in my life. 

It gave me an amazing sisterhood.

The traditions that took place at my all-girls school were some of the most special and meaningful events I have been a part of.  I’ve experienced it all: from Cabaret, when our class bonded over synchronized dance moves and oh-so-catchy songs, to Senior Sophomore when we became closely connected to girls both older and younger, to Revels where our holiday show began Winter Break with a bang, and of course that magical time in the midwinter where we officially became sisters…..every tradition brought us closer together and truly connected us for life. I made incredible and long-lasting friendships as a member of a special bonsai tree- owning, baking-obsessed, loud, proud, crazy sisterhood that I am lucky to be a part of.

I am a double major in Anthropology and International/Global Studies with a minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation at Brandeis University. As a native Southern Californian, I have a born passion for avocados and an innate dread of cold weather. In my free time I love cooking (with avocados of course), drawing and writing.