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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Even as I write this, I know there is still plenty of time before you go off and have what I am undoubtedly sure will be one of the best and exciting experiences of your life. Of course, I’m incredibly happy for you and all that will come to you during your time abroad.  But as much as I feel happy for you, there’s also a big part of me that feels sad, because you’re very important to me and my life—and I will miss you.

I will miss our long chats that are supposed to be quick but end up lasting hours. There are very few others that can listen to me rant and tell stories for ages, but you can and you join in with me. Not only that, but sometimes you almost know what I’m saying before I say it, and I never feel judged. We can speak honestly with each other, and go from catching up about our days to deep and meaningful conversations without any hesitation. You know what I’m trying to say with just one look. Not to mention our constant text and social media communication—we better still be able to have a Snapchat streak and be the first to like each other’s Instagrams, even when you’re miles away.

I will miss spending time together and having our adventures to eat food, go shopping, and do random stuff. It will be weird not driving around with you while you play DJ and change the song every two seconds. I will miss having dance parties and watching our favorite shows together, even when you make me wait days to see the latest episodes. While I know I will have fun times with other friends, your absence will be felt in our activities. That’s why I insist we FaceTime frequently so I can always be sure we are kept as up-to-date on each other’s lives as we are when we’re together.

But don’t worry friend, I know it will all be fine. We keep in constant contact over the summers, and this won’t be that different.  We will have so many great things to share with each other, and I know we will be as close as ever, though we will be physically far apart. When you come back (and I know your time away will fly by), it will be like you were never gone.


I will miss you though, best friend. You’re like a sister to me. And though we have our moments of frustration, we are incredibly close and always there for each other. I don’t know what Brandeis will be like without you, even for a semester. You’ve become such a permanent fixture in my life and I know it will be like that for long time, even when you are in a different country. I’m lucky to have met such an amazing friend, and I can’t wait to see where your adventures take you next semester.

Love always,
