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Midterm Season as Told by Gilmore Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

If you have never seen Gilmore Girls, stop everything you are doing right now, grab whatever Netflix-watching device is closest, and get ready to experience one of the best shows ever made. Like ever. Gilmore Girls has it all: humor and sarcasm, romance, drama, cute guys….what more could you possibly ask for? There are seven seasons and I am proud (and not at all ashamed) to say that I first watched all seven seasons over the course of a semester. This show is that amazing and addictive.  

Ok. Gilmore Girls rant aside, there is no other show that understands midterm season (and finals season, and college in general) as well as this. Here are some reasons why Lorelai and Rory totally get what you’re going through this midterms season. 

They understand the need for caffeine better than anyone else. 

Rory knows exactly what your schedule is like. 

They completely understand the desire to sleep when you have a crushing amount of work. 

And they also know the importance of sleeping in whenever possible. 

Nobody understands the importance of binging on tons of junk food like the Gilmores. 

Of course you have got to vent all of your frustrations to whoever will listen. 

Lorelai feels the same way you do when you’re waiting to get a grade back. 

Sometimes, you feel like this:

But the end of the day, you know you’ll get through this and go back to remembering all the things you love about Brandeis. 

Preach Paris, preach. 

I am a double major in Anthropology and International/Global Studies with a minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation at Brandeis University. As a native Southern Californian, I have a born passion for avocados and an innate dread of cold weather. In my free time I love cooking (with avocados of course), drawing and writing.