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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Sometimes you need 100% unbiased advice, and we’re here to give it to you. Whatever problem you might be having, whether it involves school, love, family, friends, etc., we can help you solve it now: we’re reviving our advice column, Dear Sofie, and providing you with an anonymous advisor, Sofie. The writer who will act as Sofie is a perceptive, understanding, trustworthy member of our team.  The advice column is available for all students in need of help.  No message for Sofie is a foolish one—she is really here to listen and try to solve your problem! One thing to keep in mind is that she may not be able to answer your specific question, but she’ll do her best to pick a question to answer that best represents the majority or main theme of the group of questions she receives each week.

Click here to submit your questions! The link is always live so you can submit any time! It’s completely anonymous to submit so please don’t hesitate to ask Sofie a question; your identity is absolutely protected.

Send anonymous emails (using this site http://anonymouse.org/anonemail.html) to hcbrandeisdearsofie@gmail.com for advice about friends, relationships, school, family, etc. Whatever personal dilemma you're experiencing can be solved, while you're identity is protected! Please remember, not everyone's questions can be answered, but I will pick questions that I believe are the most relatable in terms of content. This is an ongoing column, so feel free to send questions in anytime! It will be published on fridays, so make sure to check it out!
I love watching movies, reading, writing, being a ginger, singing, dancing, acting, and attending Brandeis University.