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The Course Catalogue: Stages of Happiness and Grief

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

With the new course catalogue released for next semester, Brandeis students have flooded brandeis.schdl.net in attempt to organize their lives. Creating a schedule for upcoming semesters is often a rollercoaster of emotions, as desire and reality collide often violently. Here are the four stages of happiness and grief after the course catalogue is released.


Stage 1- Happiness and Excitement


Wow! The course catalogue is out. Is it already that time of the semester again? Guess so. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to browse it a little…whoa! That class sounds so interesting. So does that one, and that one, and that one.


As you click ‘interested’ under all the classes with cool and curious names, glossing quickly over their descriptions, you think that next semester has some real potential to be the most interesting yet. You search through your respective majors and minors, and in each you find at least one class that is a must, and maybe a few others that are heavy considerations. When you finally go and see what your schedule will look like you realize that next semester is going to be awesome.


Stage 2- Reality Hits


By awesome, you actually meant awful. Your schedule looks incredibly crowded and is littered with fifteen different colors. You don’t even remember clicking interested on fifteen different classes- you could’ve sworn it was six or seven at most. That’s fine though, everything is fine. It’s just going to take some cutting and weighing of classes to get this schedule right. Maybe you’ll get a free Friday out of it. Damn, now you really want a free Friday. Ok let’s get to work.


You can get rid of that class that promised to teach you how to be a good global citizen. It’s a shame because you realize you’re a global citizen, and have never really considered if you’re doing it right, but that class is on Friday, so sorry world. There’s also that class with your favorite professor, but it’s before 10am, so it’s a no-go. But that class about renaissance foot painting seems right up your alley and it’s at noon. Alright, good work, looks like you have a sensible schedule and no Friday class.


Stage 3- Requirement Hell


You just remembered that there are some requirements you need to fill. No biggie, don’t stress. The foot painting class probably fills…oh, no it doesn’t fill a requirement. What about your other three or four classes? That one for your one major fills a requirement, but you already filled that requirement. Now that you’re further into your majors, most of the classes you need to take are in the upper levels. They actually look pretty difficult. This will take some planning.


Stage 4- Planning Out the Rest of your Days


Taking into account all the requirements of your majors, minors and general university requirements, you realized you had more on your plate than you thought. So you’ve planned out your next few and final semesters at Brandeis. It’s a slightly sad, humbling, and eye-opening feeling to realize that you’re on the track to graduation. But at the same time, the feeling of going through your remaining time at Brandeis, even from the position of a sophomore who has plenty of time left, is exciting in itself. Is your next semester going to be as cool as you originally thought? No. As it turns out there’s an 8am Friday class on the alternative placement of European doorknobs during WWII that fits perfectly with your requirements. While it may not be the most glamorous way to spend your Friday mornings, you understand that it will directly contribute to your progress through Brandeis, and that’s more exciting than anything.