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Couples Halloween Costume Ideas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Not going with a group? Just you and your friend? Well here are some awesome couples costumes!

1. Where’s Waldo costumes are simple and easy to make. All you need is a red and white striped shirts, blue jeans, a hat, and glasses. (Try to make into as many pictures as you can!)

2. Cosmo and Wanda costumes can be a couple costume or a group of three if you add Timmy. The hair color may be the trickiest part of this costume. You can try hair spray from a local beauty supply store, or maybe a rinse. Such a throwback!

3. Cher and Dionne from Clueless

4. Your favorite paintings! This could be a duo or group costume, too.

There are an endless amount of bff and couple costume choices! Whatever you choose, remember to have and be safe this halloween!

I love watching movies, reading, writing, being a ginger, singing, dancing, acting, and attending Brandeis University.