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The 15 Emotional Stages of Going Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Thanksgiving is coming up (but not soon enough if you ask me), and that means it’s time to start thinking about how you’re getting home.  Here are the 15 emotional stages of getting home: 

When you realize you have a long weekend/vacation/etc.  

You stare at the calendar a bit to make sure you’re not hallucinating, and then you react like this: 

Once you realize that it’s not a trick, you quickly go to your favorite travel wesite. 

Whether it’s Amtrak, Bolt Bus, the Turkey Shuttle, or your favorite airline, chances are you have the site bookmarked with your login info saved so moments like these are a snap.  You put in all your info to find a trip…

And then you realize that you can’t just miss all your classes.  

Unfortunately, breaks normally don’t start at the very beginning of a day. You’re still expected to go to your classes before you’re set free, which means you can’t leave first thing in the morning, when the tickets are cheaper and you get home sooner.

Annoyed, you go and check your class schedule and redo #2. 

Your last class ends hours later than you wish it did (especially now), and then you recalculate how long it will take you to get to the actual departure location (train station, airport, etc) from your campus. Too bad you didn’t remember this earlier.

But then you have the choices in front of you and you pick your ticket home…

Then you’re forced to go back to your regular schedule until your departure date arrives.

No one said you had to be happy about it.

The day comes, and you’re super excited, and then get stressed when something goes wrong.  

You’ve planned everything up until now, and then it goes to waste! Not really, but that’s probably what you’re thinking at this point.

Becuase this has been the only thing keeping you sane during #6, you’re going to get on your ride no matter what. 

And once you do, it’s the sweetest feeling. Ahhh, that’s good.

The ride is mostly likely long, and though you should be productive, you’re likely to get bored and fall asleep.  

You’ll probably look like this:

You realize it’s time to get off the train, plane, or bus. 

You’re a bit out of it, but who cares?

Once you open the door to your home, you feel like you’re on top of the world.  

You say hi to your pet(s), and then you remember to greet your parent(s), and then you run to the bathroom for a decent shower with good water pressure.  

Then you change into PJs and crawl into bed.   

Because that’s really the best part of going home, isn’t it? 

At the end of your stay, you realize you have to go back to school…

…and finals.  

But it’s okay becuase soon enough, you’ll be repeating the whole process.  

You’ll be fine until then… right?

Self-published author, avid reader, book reviewer, musical theatre enthusiast, Sherlockian, Special Agent (NCIS fandom), amateur singer, and animal lover (especially dogs).
I am a double major in Anthropology and International/Global Studies with a minor in Creativity, the Arts, and Social Transformation at Brandeis University. As a native Southern Californian, I have a born passion for avocados and an innate dread of cold weather. In my free time I love cooking (with avocados of course), drawing and writing.