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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowdoin chapter.


The Holidays are right around the corner, as evidenced by the fact that eggnog can now be found in the dining halls. The Holidays–a time infused with the smell of pine and those never ending carols (which I personally love). So when is the correct time to begin singing these nefarious carols? According to some, the best time is all the time–I know people who have been listening to the Nutcracker and ‘Christmas Time is Here’ since school started. However, the general rule of thumb is to start blasting it after Thanksgiving. Any earlier and you might earn some death glares of those around you.
Of course, there are some December 1st hold-outs. But now that the extra Turkey is tucked away in tupperware, and the squash off display, we say a little ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ won’t get you on the naughty list!
Marissa is a senior at Bowdoin College, majoring in Government and minoring in English. She's interned with NPR, The Christian Science Monitor and ELLE.com. In her spare time she enjoys writing poetry, baking cupcakes, tweeting, and admiring the big dipper. She hopes to live in a lighthouse someday, with 27 cats and a good set of watercolors.