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An Open Letter to my Mom, AKA Wonder Woman, on Mother’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

Dear Mom,

I don’t know where to start when it comes to talking about you. I think that’s because there is a piece of you in everything I do. You are such a huge part of my identity and who I am today. That is not a bad thing either. I am so fortunate to have you as my mentor, cheerleader, nurturer and, most of all, my best friend.

You were born to be a mother. You show that through your bravery. As a brand spanking new mother, you move from your family to another continent. I can’t fathom how terrifying that must have been. You made the world seem a little less shaky and scary when Dad had to leave on his military deployments. When you carried the burden of two young children missing their daddy, you held us in your bed and cried with us. But the next day you got up and made sure life moved on. You taught me how to be brave even when it’s hard and you don’t want to be.

You show me what unconditional love is every single day. I have never met anyone more forgiving and loving than you. You have seen me at my weakest and strongest, and nothing I do could ever change how much you love me. The love you give to others has taught me so much too. You don’t even take a moment of doubt when it comes to accepting someone into your life and loving them fully, regardless of the past. Only you could teach me these lessons.

Nothing put in words could truly cover how strong our bond is. You have been and always will be my best friend. We may have hundreds of miles between us, but there isn’t a day where you aren’t in my thoughts. I miss you more than I like to admit. No matter where I go in life, you are by my side each step of the way.

All My Love,Chickapoo

**Guest written by Olivia Smock, member of Her Campus Boise State Public Relations team and Public Relations Director.