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Starting up: Getting Your Summer Body

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

If seasonal depression has gotten to you like it has to me, you might have gained some twenty pounds from eating out your sorrows. But now that it is Spring (kinda) I’ll let you in on how I’ve been melting my weight away.


  1. The first thing I’ve been doing is counting my calories. I restrict myself to 1,800 calories a day, cutting out all of the junk food and soda that I definitely did not need. With this being said, I allow myself one cheat day a week.
  2. Secondly, I started actually putting use to the lovely fitness center our school has. After being out of shape for so long it was hard to jump back in- but if you start out slow by jogging for ten minutes or biking a couple miles, it can really make all of the difference on your health.
  3. I started taking walks! Easily enough, walking to upper campus and back can really be relaxing (in the right weather).
  4. Drink water!!! I cannot stress how much water has saved me, in terms of keeping refreshed. It is the more obvious and healthier alternative to soda and milk, and the lack of sugar is definitely a plus!!!
  5. Finally, I’m not sure if this is helping my weight BUT getting a full night’s sleep has truly affected how my skin looks! The dark circles under my eyes have faded and my complexion has cleared up tenfold.


My favorite tip out of these five is definitely working out at the fitness center. I have been looking forward to it daily, and even set challenges for myself to see how strong and sexy I can get before it’s bikini time!!!

just a lil kid writing big things