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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

Ok so if you haven’t heard of Benedict Cumberbatch I need you to stop whatever you are doing (yes including reading this article because this is wayyy more important) and go watch the BBC show Sherlock and then come back and read the rest of this. Ok are you done? Good. Now you understand. By the end of the first episode you will be completely hooked. And you might be thinking that it’s just the character of Sherlock that you are attracted to. But you are wrong. Benedict Cumberbatch basically IS Sherlock, but he is even better because unlike Sherlock he is REAL. And he is REALLY sexy. And adorable. And has the best sense of humor in the world. Here are the top 5 reasons that we just can’t get enough of him and oh yeah those blue-ish, green-ish, gold-ish, eyes don’t hurt either. 

1) He Is a Feminist:

Many female fans of Benedict Cumberbatch consider themselves a “Cumberbitch”. But Benedict Cumberbatch doesn’t necessarily approve of this term and has been spotted frowning when his female fans refer to themselves as “Cumberbitches”. He is quoted as saying They should be called “Cumber-collectors. The bitches thing just wasn’t feminist”. But he loves and respects his fans so much and is always so adorably embarrassed and shocked when people refer to him as hot. It’s so cute how flustered he gets.

2) He looks INCREDIBLE in a suite:

In fact there is an entire buzzfeed article about it… http://www.buzzfeed.com/elliewoodward/times-benedict-cumberbatch-looked-like-an-absolute-god-in

Here’s some proof if you don’t believe me… In the words of Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother, “Nothing suits him like a suit”.

3) He doesn’t take himself too seriously:

I think this is a really important attribute for any decent man to have, they need to know how to make fun of themselves and how to have fun. And if Benedict Cumberbatch Photobombing (sorry Cumberbombing as it has come to be called) a group photo of U2 at the Oscars isn’t proof of not taking yourself too seriously or being too full of yourself then idk what is… He has also created a Harlem Shake video using only his hands and claimed that he, Matt Smith and Tom Hiddleston have cheekbone-polishing parties. Just saying.

4) He Believes That Nothing Is Impossible:

He came up with this himself: “Nothing is impossible, The word itself says, ‘I’m possible.’”… Literally the best life motto in the entire world. Thanks Benedict for being number one on my quote wall. He exemplifies this belief in so many ways. One of my favorite ways that he lives this motto is when he proved that it’s not at all impossible to be the sexiest human alive, the greatest actor ever and simultaneously the most fantastic dancer in this galaxy.

5) He Hates Working Out:

He had to get in shape (ok fine MORE in shape than he already was if that’s even possible) for his role in Star Trek Into Darkness. He had to work out excessively and eat 4,000 calories every day. And he hated every minute of it. But it’s all good because it resulted in this:

*Honorable Mention, when he arched his eyebrow like this. Just this beautiful, beautiful eyebrow arching:

She was the Binghamton University Campus Correspondent Spring 2015-Spring 2016. She started writing for Her Campus second semester Freshman year and has loved it ever since! She is now a Binghamton University graduate with a degree in English and minor in History. She is an enthusiastic writer and reader, obsessed with social media, traveling, and ending misogyny. Her two great loves are Harry Potter marathons and sampling cheese. She is excited by the prospect of new challenges and can't wait to dive in and get her hands dirty.
Binghamton Contributor