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How To: Work Out and Work Off Thanksgiving Dinner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

It’s sad to say that all those delicious foods we love to feast on every Thanksgiving, reap some consequences. It is also so easy to over eat and be drawn to comfort foods rich with calories especially now that winter in Binghamton is officially commencing. Despite these odds against us, there are still simple ways to work out and work off those extra calories from Thanksgiving and prevent the potential weight gain that could come with the approaching holiday season. I know for me this is especially important because the freshmen 15 is all to real and it could potentially become a sophomore 30 if I don’t take action now! So here are some simple workouts that anyone could do!

For those with gym memberships:

A quick and easy workout could be some cardio plus a class or some toning. My favorite workout is to go on the treadmill for 30-45min and then go to a yoga class. Even if you’re not into running, you can walk on the treadmill on incline for that same amount of time and you are guaranteed to burn at least 200-300 calories! After the cardio, yoga is a great way for me to wind down and stretch out. There are also plenty of classes offered at the gym on campus that are great to go to. RIPPED, Total Body Toning and Spin, just to name a few, are especially great for both cardio and toning.

For those without a gym membership, don’t you worry, there is plenty for you to do right in your own room!

My favorite workout to do in my dorm when i’m too lazy to walk to the gym or it’s simply too cold, consists of a few simple exercises targeting the whole body. I start off with push ups. I then move onto crunches. I like to alternate between different types of crunches as well as leg lifts to target that pesky lower stomach. After the crunches I like to do some planks. I start off with a regular plank, then side planks on each side. Next I do another set of push ups and then move onto my legs. I usually like to finish off with squats.

What’s great about doing a quick workout like this in your own room, is that you have the freedom to customize it how you wish and do it at your own pace. Below are some other quick workouts you can incorporate!

No matter how you choose to workout, as long as you stick with it, you’ll be able to work off Thanksgiving dinner in no time! In addition to working out always remember to eat healthy and drink lots of water! A healthy diet combined with working out is the recipe for results!


Nicole is a Sophomore at Binghamton University who intends on studying Psychology and Linguistics. She hopes that readers enjoy reading her articles as much as she enjoys writing them.
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