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How to Stay Sane During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

It’s no secret that finals week is tough. There is only so much time to finish your papers and study for your exams. It’s nearly imposssible to find a good spot in the library and everything seems like it’s too much. Here are some tips to help you make finals week as bearable as possible. 

1. Take Care of Yourself

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep (at least 7-8 hours) and eating well. Self care is especially important during stressful times. 

2. Unplug

If you are easily distracted by your phone, turn it off. Minimize any distractions. 

3. Find What Works for You

Figure out where and how you study best. Are you a morning person or night owl? Do you like to study with your friends or by yourself? Do you need silence or do you like background noise?

4. Take a Break 

Taking a short break will help you re-energize and be more productive. Don’t make it longer than fifteen minutes for every hour. 

5. Make a List 

Making a list will help you stay organized and on top of everything you need to get done. When you complete something, it is always satisfying to cross it out!

6. Utilize Your Resources

Going to office hours and tutoring can be very helpful. Tutors and professors want you to succeed and are willing to help. University Tutoring Services has review sessions towards the end of each semester and many professors often hold extra office hours or review sessions. Hearing material again reinforces topics and helps you identify what you need to study more. 

7. See the Light at the End of the Tunnel

Before you know it, you’ll be home catching up on all your favorite Netflix shows! Keep plugging through. It’s only temporary. 

Binghamton Contributor