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Get in Shape for Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

You’ve been counting down all semester and finally it’s almost Spring Break!  But wait, you were so focused on midterms and school activities, you forgot to get to the gym and get in shape for spring like you promised yourself.  Don’t worry, with these exercises, you’ll be ready to rock your tank top and shorts in the sun in no time!



Arm workouts are definitely not just for the men.  Here are a few of my favorite upper body exercises.  Don’t be afraid to start with lower weights (5-7.5lbs), it’s more important to have your form right than to struggle to use heavier weights.  You’ll get there before you know it.


Bicep Curls: These are easy to learn to do and very effective.  Alternate curling each side to curl 20 times total, take a break and repeat twice.

Dips: All you need is a sturdy chair or a bench for this exercise.  Do 15 dips getting as close to making a right angle with your arms as possible.  Repeat twice.

Upright Row: This exercise is great for your back and shoulders.  You can use a dumbells, a barbell, or two large juice cartons if you want!  Do 15 rows, take a break, and repeat twice.



My favorite leg workouts are cardio workouts: running, going on a bike ride, or going for a hike.  Additionally, here are a couple of leg workouts you can do beyond your normal cardio.

Wall Sit: You can do a wall sit pretty much anytime, anywhere.  Make sure that your knees don’t go in front of your feet. 

Forward Lunge: Do 10 on each side, take a break, and repeat twice.  Do bicep curls at the same time if you want a challenge.  You can do many variations of the lunge to work different muscles in your legs.  Try going backwards instead of forwards or to the side.


Who doesn’t want great abs when wearing that new bikini?  There are plenty of daily ab fitness apps that work wonders, but here are a few ab exercises to get you closer to that tight tummy and dare I say, six pack? 

Up-down Plank: Plain planks get old fast, so here’s a fun new type of plank.  Start in your normal plank position and then go to the push-up position one arm at a time. Say to yourself Up, Up, Down, Down to keep the right cadence.  Do this for 30 seconds. Take a break and repeat.



Russian Twist: Start like this girl and then add some weights.  A medicene ball is a great way to add a little extra challenge to this exercise.  If you want an even greater challenge, pick up your feet and sit in a V-shape position while you do this exercise.  Do for 30 seconds, take a break and repeat.


So get up and get moving!  It’s almost Spring Break so make your workouts count!




Deena Abramson is a Senior at Binghamton University studying Psychology and Health and Wellness Studies.  She is originally from Lexington, Massachusetts.  She is currently the President of her sorority, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi, and is so grateful for her Sigma sisters, many of whom are also Her Campus writers!  Some of her hobbies include: running (she has run two half marathons this year!), hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, cooking healthy meals, playing word games, and of course writing for Her Campus!   She hopes that her articles both entertain and inspire her peers both at Binghamton and in the national Her Campus community.  
Binghamton Contributor