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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

News Flash, syllabus week is officially over and it’s time to get cracking on the semester.  Your textbooks have finally arrived in the mail and now you might have to actually open them and start studying (sigh).  Whether this semester is your first semster of college, or your an old pro, here are some tips to get you through!

1. Plan Ahead!

Get a planner, update your Google Cal, make lists on your iPhone, get a little crazy!  Write down all of you test and projects due dates because they are in your syllabus.  That way you can get started on big projects during your less stressful weeks to keep things more spread out and manageable throughout the semester.

2. Eat Breakfast!

You’ve heard it said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Well it is!  Without fuel, how can you expect your brain and body to get through the day?  Tip: If you don’t want to cook or go to the dining hall, get some yogurt and fruit.  That will keep you going with minimal morning effort and you can even eat it in class!  

3. Get involved!

There is always something going on at college, so get out there and join in the fun.  Whether it be trying a new club, playing on an intramural sports team, or rushing a sorority, please get out of your dorm room and show up!  Take advantage of where you are and try new things.  You don’t want to look back on the semester wishing you did more than your homework.

4. Save some money, make your own coffee!

Coffee is almost as essential as notebooks in college, maybe more with computers and iPads, but it gets pricey.  Do yourself and your wallet a favor and start making your own.  I am an ice coffee lover and always trying to keep up with the trends, so here is a recipe for Cold Brew Coffee from http://www.gimmesomeoven.com/ for you to enjoy!  (P.S. you can make it in your dorm room, you don’t even need a coffee maker!)



This cold brew coffee recipe is SO easy to make, and it removes much of the acid and bitterness of traditional coffee.



  • 1 cup coarsely-ground coffee beans
  • 4 cups cold water


Add ground coffee and cold water together in a large bowl. Stir briefly to combine. Cover, and refrigerate for at least 12 hours (or up to 24 hours).

Then remove the bowl, and place a strainer covered with a cheesecloth in a second bowl. Pour the coffee (and ground) over the strainer, and wait a minute or two until the liquid has filtered through the strainer. Discard the grounds and remove the strainer.

Serve the coffee over iced, stirring in water to dilute the coffee at a 1:3 or 1:2 coffee/water ratio. Refrigerate the remaining coffee concentrate in a sealed container for up to 1 week.


5. Enjoy the Fall! 

Fall is a beautiful time of year, especially in the Northeast.  The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and you can break out your leggings and comfy sweaters.  Take advantage of the season and go apple picking, go for a hike, or make something involving pumpkin, cinnamon, or apples.  Relax and breathe in the cool air, this is going to be a great semester!  

Deena Abramson is a Senior at Binghamton University studying Psychology and Health and Wellness Studies.  She is originally from Lexington, Massachusetts.  She is currently the President of her sorority, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi, and is so grateful for her Sigma sisters, many of whom are also Her Campus writers!  Some of her hobbies include: running (she has run two half marathons this year!), hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, cooking healthy meals, playing word games, and of course writing for Her Campus!   She hopes that her articles both entertain and inspire her peers both at Binghamton and in the national Her Campus community.  
Binghamton Contributor