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Pinterest Picks of the Week: Winter Beauty and Health Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Although the joyful, most sought after times filled with hot cocoa, presents, and holiday cheer is around us, this time of year also rewards us with dry skin, chapped lips, frizzy hair, and runny noses (Thanks New England!). In preparation for the holiday parties that are bound to come your way, this week’s Pinterest Picks helps you fellow collegiettes with some tips on how to avoid the prolonged stares at parties towards that frizzball on top of your head!

Though it may come at the cost of avoiding that long hot shower you’ve been wanting to take after you’ve become acclimated to the slightly warm water at college, your skin will thank you! HowDoesShe gives you all the tips and tricks you need to know to combat dry skin, cracked heels, and more! Plus, she helps to dispel some common myths about what the best moisturizer for your skin is—might not be what you thought!


Germaphobes of the world, unite! If you’re one who cringes at the repetitive sound of the person sitting next to you on the T sneezing, you want to pay attention! Between providing tips on how to prevent the onset of that pesky cold, My Frugal Adventures gives you tips on how to boost your immune system and to help keep you away from using the tissue box! Added Bonus: The blog even gives you recipes of your own to try that are both healthy and delicious! Not a fan of drinking plain water—she has a ton of infused water drinks to try!


Between the wood stoves stripping our hair of the moisture it craves and the harshness of the below freezing temperatures that are bound to occur outside, our hair is in a state of disaster and needs our help! Luckily for us, Ma Nouvelle Mode has not only provided you with the step by step routine of how to moisturize, deep condition, and reduce the awful static that dwells in our hair, but also gives us some easy hairstyles that you can sport during the cooler months!