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10 Ways GB 212 Makes Us All Feel, As Told by The Office

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

1. When you’ve been learning about financial ratios for three classes and you still just don’t get it




2. When you’re making a Statement of Cash Flows and no matter how many times you try, it’s just not adding up




3. When you try to explain to your family or friends from other schools why GB 212 is so horrible




4. When you beg your friends to try to save you from the pain of studying for hours on end



5. When you finally give up at midnight the night before your first exam



6. When you start reading the test questions and feel like you’ve suddenly forgotten everything you’ve ever learned



7. When you’re 50 minutes in and realize that you’re only halfway through the exam



8. When you start to answer one of the open response questions and have no idea what it’s asking



9. When someone asks you how you’re doing after the exam



10. And when you finally realize that there’s only one way to make yourself forget about the horror that is GB 212…




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