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The Women’s March: The Pink Hats That Are Making History

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

On November 8th, when Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States, I remember a distinct feeling of disappointment in my country. Millions of Americans had voted for a man that openly degrades women, people with disabilities, people of different races; the list goes on. It really made me, and I know many other Americans, question what our country really stands for.  

In the 21st century, when women can receive as good of an education as men, and when people of all ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations are accepted and even celebrated, it was so hard to believe that there were millions of American people that supported Trump. We have protested for decades trying to achieve equality and we won have battles with the Women’s Suffrage Movement and the Integration Movement. We are still fighting the same war for equality though.


Last Saturday, when I saw the masses of people around the world clad in pink hats marching in support of women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, environmental protection, and so many more social justices, I felt hope for the first time since November 8th. It was a reminder that despite the fact that there is still so much change needed in the world, there are millions of people around the world that are passionate about making a difference. 

 This march has emboldened people to start making that difference, but this march alone isn’t enough. This march was a strong statement that needs to be capitalized on with our actions. Trump is the president, but we are the people and it is important to remember in this time of transition that America is not defined by who sits at the desk of the Oval Office, or even by the laws in place, but by what we allow as citizens of this country. This march told Donald Trump loud and clear that we will not allow his bigotry and hate.

So to all that attended one of the Women’s Marches around the world last weekend, congratulations on being an active participant in our democracy and a total bad-ass. To all who didn’t, don’t worry there’s plenty of work left for all of us. Let’s show Trump just how much we can accomplish with some girl power. #LoveTrumpsHate

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Singer/Songwriter from Phoenix, Arizona