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Spring Cleaning For Your Dorm: 6 Ways To Make It More Enjoyable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

I don’t know about you, but my dorm doesn’t look quite the same as it did on move-in day! I remember the seemingly endless hours it took to get my room looking cozy and organized, and swearing to myself that it would always look that clean throughout the year. Between class, homework, clubs, trying to get all of your convo done, and on top of that, being social and well-rested, there doesn’t seem to be much time for tidying up. Using these spring cleaning tips, you can devote just a few minutes a day to making your dorm look just as clean and cute as it did when you moved in!

#1 – Make a List

Write down everything you need to take care of, including organizing your closet, desk, and textbooks, washing your sheets, dusting your countertops, wiping down your microwave and refrigerator, etc. Then decide how soon you’d like it done (maybe make Spring Break your deadline) and assign each item to a day. You can double up if you want to or keep your to-do’s to just 10 minutes a day, it’s up to you!

#2 – Set a Timer

Decide for yourself how quickly you can take care of each task and set a timer! We all know how tempting it is to procrastinate, but challenge yourself to get it done in a short amount of time so that it doesn’t cut into your Netflix time.

#3 – Put on Music

Make your spring cleaning an opportunity to catch up on John Mayer’s new songs, put the La La Land soundtrack on repeat, or reminisce with some Hilary Duff. This can be a good way to zone out and make time for your favorite music, while being productive!

#4 – Get yourself a snack

Make yourself a cup of tea, and pop a bag of popcorn if you want. No one said cleaning had to be boring—turn it into some much needed “you time” and relax between chores if you want to! 

#5 – Set Your Phone Aside

When you’re cleaning, put your phone aside or have your roommate hold onto it if you know it will just slow you down. Sometimes when I procrastinate it’s not even on purpose, I just all of a sudden realize I’m scrolling through Instagram instead of taking care of all the things I need to do. Eliminate the temptation by putting away your biggest distraction!

#6 – Treat Yourself

Once you have finally finished, REWARD YOURSELF!! There’s no feeling like a job well done, so you can finally put your feet up, catch up on your favorite show, and eat some Chik-fil-a without feeling guilty!

With these tips, hopefully doing a little spring cleaning will not only be less time-consuming, but maybe even fun…maybe? Just think about how nice it will be when you get back from Spring Break and your clean room is waiting for you back on campus!

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Singer/Songwriter from Phoenix, Arizona