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Building A Home Away From Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

Welcome class of 2021! Here’s one writer’s perspective on building a home here at Belmont!

Starting college is a major transition in everyone’s life. Whether you are from right here in Nashville, 2 hours away, or if like me you came from the opposite side of the country, it’s easy to get homesick. You no longer see your family everyday—which at first might feel a lot like freedom—but after the initial excitement subsides you begin to realize just how big of a transition it is to start college. In order to ease this transition and keep the homesickness at bay, it’s important to try and make Belmont a home away from home.  

When I first got to Belmont I was really focused on my classes and making sure I got my footing academically. While this helped me to get settled into my classes, after a few weeks I realized that I hadn’t made time to settle into the community. You may be able to make new friends in your classes or in your dorm, but in order to really be a part of the Belmont family, you have to be proactive and get out into the community. The students at Belmont are extremely welcoming, and genuinely want to meet you, so give them the opportunity!

Whether you decide to rush, join one of the many acapella groups, an intramural sport, a social justice group or any of the other extracurriculars that Belmont offers, there is truly something for everyone. These extracurriculars are a great way to meet some like-minded people. If you decide not to join a club, you can just be friendly! Strike up a conversation in the elevator or in the line for the Mongolian grill (you’ll be there for a while anyways). Either way, be actively engaged in the community here, you’re a Bruin now!

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Singer/Songwriter from Phoenix, Arizona