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Winter is Coming: How to Survive a Cold in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


In the words of Ned Stark, winter is coming. And in case you haven’t been receiving the multiple emails from University Health Services, flu season is on its way. It’s a harsh fact of New England winters; they’re cold and although you might love everyone on your floor, germs spread like crazy in dorms. From one unlucky immune system to another one, here are some tips for surviving a cold in college.


Tip 1: Stock Up Now

I can tell you right now that the last thing you want to do when you’re sick is leave your bed.

· Whether you’re a Dayquil or Robitussin person, make sure to have some in your room so you don’t have to make the trek to the bookstore or CVS.  

· Cough drops are also a must. They’re so many flavors available even the pickiest sore throat can find one they like.

· Tissues are probably one of the most overlooked, but incredibly necessary, things to have regardless of health and weather. No one wants to hear someone sniffling in the middle of an exam and no one wants to be the sniffler. Now Kleenex makes travel packs that can fit easily into your backpacks. Woohoo!

Other convenient things to have around are:

·      Tea or chicken noodle soup: Easy to make in the microwave and really helps a sore throat and decongestion.

·      Vicks VapoRub: I used this all the time as a little kid and if you’re congested it can really help.

·      Multiple pillows: Kind of random I know, but I was always taught to elevate my head while sleeping with a cold because it’s easier to breath that way.



Tip 2: Take It Easy

BC is one of those schools where something is always going on. Between class, meetings, homework, studying, and working out, there never seems to be time to sit down. However, when you have a cold it’s really important to rest. Email a club leader saying you can’t go to the meeting and ask if there’s still a way for you to get involved. Most people I know understand the pain of a cold and are sympathetic.

Skip that run, reschedule that meeting, and maybe don’t go out on Friday night. There will always be more weekends at BC and your body will definitely thank you for an alcohol-free, early-bedtime night.


Tip 3: Drink Water And Eat Right

When you’re sick, you’re tired. When you’re tired, you want caffeine. Don’t do it! Water, water, water. Colds make you dehydrated, so keep a bottle of water with you all day. Also eat well, do your body a favor and try to help it out by eating as much good food as possible.


Tip 4: Keep Up With Your Classes

You might feel horrible, but it’ll be even worse when finals roll around and you’re still two weeks behind. It might be difficult to make it to class, but I highly suggest going even though it might be hard to focus. Try to keep up with the work and once you feel better, be sure to go to office hours to ask about anything you didn’t understand or missed in class. Make sure to email your professors if you do miss class.


Tip 5: The Infirmary

Go. If you’re really feeling sick for a few days, call in the morning and make an appointment. It takes 30 minutes, and they can at least confirm or deny some of the more horrific college illnesses like strep or mono.


Tip 6: “The Best Way To Fight A Cold Is To Not Get One.”

Here are some tips to avoid getting sick:

·      Wash your hands frequently, especially before eating.

·      Try to sleep eight hours night. I know it’s unrealistic, but at least aim for seven.

·      Avoid people who are sick. And avoid people when you’re sick.

·      Stay hydrated – always a good rule.

·      Disinfect your room often, including door handles and light switches.

·      Dress for the weather! You are going to want to bundle up once it gets cold.


I hope these tips are helpful and I wish you all a healthy and fun winter season.


Photo Sources:



Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum