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Why You Should Go for Guys with Sisters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

So we’ve all heard the question – what’s your type? After this “Pandora’s box” of a question, there’s always a variety of answers. There are those girls who go for the jock who sits in the back of the class with a baseball cap seemingly glued to his head. Even more often, you’ll have the “good girls” who go for the “bad guys”—mysterious, dark, maybe he wears a leather jacket and rides a motorcycle, or constantly bears a cigarette in his teeth – one that he never actually lights. I’ve had those dreams, too. Or perhaps you’re the kind of girl who falls for guys with accents— be it a dreamy Italian whose voice evokes memories of your study abroad days in Florence, or perhaps a charming British boy who ever so slightly resembles a One Direction band member…. Whatever your “type” is, whichever boys you fall for over and over again, I have a theory for you to consider: guys with sisters (in most cases) trump all other types.

Now, that isn’t to say by any means that men who grew up with sisters are flawless, nor does it mean we should hold it against guys who don’t have sisters (I mean, these conditions are out of their control)…But let’s face it, guys who have sisters (in my experience, at least) usually know what’s up. 

FIRST of all, let’s talk about the fine details. Guys with sisters know exactly what it’s like to live in a house ruled by girls. Truthfully, it will always be the girls who run the house (and, as Beyonce would agree, the world). Whether it be bobby pins scattered across on the sink, sports bras hanging from door handles, or the plethora of tampons in any bathroom cabinet, young men who grew up with sisters have acquired insight into what it’s really like to live with girls — at our best and worst moments.  In terms of arguments, boys lucky enough to have sisters understand what it’s like to have absolutely no say in a matter. Now THIS, ladies, primes young gentlemen with the listening and understanding skills, as well as patience, that are absolutely necessary in any relationship.

Further advice: Pay special attention to the men who adore their little sisters. The guys who make it their personal job to interview their baby sisters’ suitors, or those who spend hours shopping with their often angsty teenage sis, THESE are the guys who, in my opinion, make the best kinds of boyfriends, as well as the best friends.

My best guy friends all have sisters. And, since I am one of three girls, I truly consider them my brothers. Why, exactly? For me, it’s because they understand the importance of chocolate, why I NEED to run when I’m stressed, which words will incite a sudden and quick slap, why I don’t like to wear fancy dresses, and that my fiery independence does not mean I don’t appreciate a door being opened for me. Perhaps my guy friends’ keen insight into their female friends’ personalities and high respect for their opinions is rooted in the fact that they have grown up with one or more sisters.

So, I hope you take this to heart. Next time you’re at coffee with said gentlemen, instead of inquiring what sports he plays or why exactly he spikes his hair, ask if he has sisters. Listen to my advice, and have at it.





I am a Political Science major and Women's and Gender Studies minor at Boston College. I am an RA on campus and am involved in the Student Admissions Program. Since I am from Florida, I can legitimately say that I love long walks on the beach. I also love getting lost in a world fabricated by a novel, there is honestly nothing better.